Fall (and Get Up)

One of the main components of Aikido training is quickly adapting to deal with what is in front of you. We have all been doing this in our lives as best we can over the last six months. Yet this is not new to the human condition—being able to adapt to changes happening rapidly around us is one of the reasons we have been able to survive for as long as we have. The nature of training at Logan Square Aikido has had to adapt in ways we never imagined or even desired: video self-study guides; classes streamed online; ongoing outdoor classes; training on the dojo’s back patio. The resilience of our membership is inspiring and we are very fortunate to have all of you on this journey with us together.  

As we head into the colder months, it is natural to begin thinking about slowing down and becoming less active. These seasonal changes are part of life and should be embraced; the frenetic energy of summer giving way to the cooling breeze of autumn is a vital process in keeping us balanced. It is important, however, to continue training and developing yourself in whatever way you can. Without conscious and sustained effort, the seasonal slowdown of energy can very quickly allow our discipline and motivation to slip away.

So we urge each of you to continue training and finding ways to keep yourself healthy. Eating food that fuels and nourishes the body and mind; sleeping enough to recover mentally and physically; working your breathing and keeping your nervous system alert and healthy. Whatever your practice looks like right now, keep going—just how much your practice develops and shapes your life is, ultimately, in your hands.

Regardless of where or how far along you are on this path, we are on it together. One of the goals of this practice is that, through the vigorous and disciplined training of ourselves, we can create a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Let’s keep at it!